Scrabble Solver v1.1



  • Turn history now records the turn ordinal number
  • It’s no longer possible to enter invalid characters as a Universal Letter, it now defaults to A
  • Universal Letter now only allows to enter a single character
  • Letters Input Field now only allows to enter up to 7 characters
  • Letters Input Field now no longer accepts invalid characters
  • Letters Input Field now accepts ‘?’ as a Universal Letter Button instead of ‘[’
  • Letters Input Field now treats Spaces as empty tiles
  • Letters Input Field now correctly processes less than 7 letters
  • Replacing the letters in hand with custom ones now adds the letters in hand back to the tilebag start
  • Added a way to Restart the solver without rebooting it
  • Space no longer functions as an “Enter Word” Button
  • Fullscreen is now toggleable by ‘F11’ button, instead of ‘F’
  • Swapping tiles is now available while Solutions are refreshing
  • Replacing tiles is now available while Solutions are refreshing
  • Added an ability to Refresh Solutions with ‘F2’ button
  • It’s now possible to Zoom in and out further


  • Removed lens distortion effect
  • Words in solutions and turn history are now spaced apart to be more readable
  • “New” button was renamed to “Replace Rack” to be more descriptive
  • There is now a Universal Letter Graphic next to its Input Field for it to be more obvious
  • Added “Refresh” text next to the Refresh button in Solutions
  • Letters Input Field now has a “Input Letters…” placeholder text for more clarity
  • Moved the title + version image to the left
  • Quit & Restart buttons are now in the top left corner to be further away from the board
  • Added more explanations to the Controls
  • Changed Universal Tile Graphic to represent score of 0 points & made the star smaller


Scrabble Solver 22 MB
Dec 21, 2022
Scrabble Solver v.1.1 32 MB
Dec 21, 2022

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