A downloadable solver for Windows

Scrabble Solver is a Scrabble simulator with added functionality of finding all possible scrabble moves from any given state on the board & manipulating the game to your advantage.

Solver is able to list top solutions alongside the definitions of all formed words & helps players to find the highest scoring moves.

The entire prototype was made in ~2 weeks as a personal project after a Scrabble-focused hyperfixation which led to myself wanting to see what moves are theoretically possible with perfect play

Solver is hosted here mainly for my convenience if I would want to share it with somebody, but if anyone else randomly stumbles upon it and tries to check it out, I'd be more than happy to receive feedback about my magnum opus of last couple of weeks


Scrabble Solver v1.5.zip

Install instructions

  1.  Download .zip Archine
  2. Unpack Archive
  3. Launch the Scrabble.exe executable file

Development log

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